Golden Protection !

Discussion in 'Предложения | Suggestions' started by PlayerPlayer, Sep 15, 2022.

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  1. PlayerPlayer

    PlayerPlayer Игрок

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    Hi All,
    Before I talk about my suggestion, I will start by describing one of the most important problems in the game which upgrading the weapons and armors!

    Upgrading the weapons for high levels( like 18+, 19+ and 20+ ) is very difficult since the golden protection is only available in Gacha at an extremely low chance! ( we have tried with more than 5000 Gacha and we did not get any golden protection). In addition, even if you get it, it is only one golden protection that gives you only one chance to try.

    This leads to many problems:
    1-The players will not try to open Gacha for golden protection since is it a waste of AGP, they need to spend a lot of AGP just for one golden protection.
    2-Many new players left the game quickly because they find it hard to upgrade their weapons to be like others, and they cannot find someone to sell them a good weapon, since the number of players who have 18+ weapons and higher is low. This may sound weird, but we, as players, know the game more than the GMs since we play the game every day and we saw some players break all their armors and weapons and left the game when they try their best and still cannot upgrade their items to a good level.

    These two problems lead to reduce the number of players in the game and a decrease in the profit of the game. These are major issues for GMs and players at the same time.

    To address these problems, my suggestion is as follows:
    1- Adding two new items in the Gacha which are:
    • 5 Pieces Golden Protections
    • 10 Pieces Golden Protections
    2-Making the chance of getting these items as follow:
    • For 1 piece of golden protection: Increase its rate to be 4 times the current rate
    • For 5 pieces of golden protection: make its rate 2 times the current rate of 1 piece of golden protection
    • For 10 pieces of golden protection: make its rate the same as the current rate of 1 piece of golden protection

    This will be beneficial in many ways:
    1-Players will be encouraged to open more gatch since they will have a higher chance of getting the most valuable item which is golden protection
    2-New players will come to the game since it will be easier to upgrade their weapon or find someone to sell to them a good weapon.

    Both of these will lead to an increase in the profit of the game by two times if not more and better players satisfaction.

    I hope this message is enough to explain the importance of my suggestion :)
  2. Rhaegar

    Rhaegar Игрок

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    good suggestion
  3. corpseofpig

    corpseofpig Игрок Game Support

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    Such a lie lol.

    Я напишу по-русски чтобы уважаемый гэ эм МХ понял меня с первого раза. Голд защитки - руин игры, наравне с легендарным шмотом, собственно. Это форс людей донатить в игру нереально большие деньги. Люди не уходят из игры потому что они не могут точнуть пушку, сижу тут с 2017 года и никто не уходил из-за того, что "ой, у них так много +18, я ухажу!!". Высокий точ он на то и высокий, чтобы его было сложно получить, на сервере сейчас буквально 5 человек с +20 пушками 70+ лвла, кто-то вточил их потому что повезло, кто-то выбил те самые голд защитки из гачи\ивента, это реально редкие вещи, которые !пока что! не уничтожают вары в Акве(единственные вары, которые сейчас остались) до конца. Есть куча видосов официальной второй фанты, где все бегают уточенные на +20 и лопают друг друга с тычки, нормально ли это? Нет. Нормально ли то, что у нас не пофикшены физовые классы? Нет, зато надо добавить им голд защиток чтобы люди падали с любого скилла на варе. Нужен фикс физ дефа, мдефа, баланс варов, а потом уже - добавление голд защиток, желательно не в гачу :)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  4. chimare

    chimare Игрок

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    Учитывая, как легко в этой игре при должном времени выбиваются обычные защитки после 10, что у людей на твинках по 200+ штук подобных свитков из-за чего люди без проблем точатся на +17-19. Из-за этого не вижу смысла, вводить такие предметы в шоп и повышать шанс в гаче, сейчас и так все классы кроме луков и арб доминируют на хай лвл, физ деф работает криво, если у каждого второго физушника будет +20, то вар превратиться в шоу ботов, у кого пинг ниже, тот и убьет.
  5. PlayerPlayer

    PlayerPlayer Игрок

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    I know and see players have left the game for this reason, some of them break their weapons and others left it within one week when then found it difficult to upgrade, you may not know them since they came and left the game within a week, but this does not mean that I am a lier.

    Regarding "Everyone will upgrade to 20+" this won't happen, as I mentioned above, I tried with more than 5000 Gacha and I did not get any golden protection, meaning even if they put 10 golden protection with the same chance of the current golden protection, it will still be difficult to get it !!. Not to mention the fact that getting golden protection does not mean you will upgrade to 20+. I have tried to upgrade a weapon in other versions with 30 golden protection and I cannot upgrade it from 18+ to 19+.

    So, to make it clear, my suggestion is not to let everyone to have 20+ weapon, no, it is just to have a realistic chance to upgrade to 20+:)
  6. Tsuna

    Tsuna Игрок

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    Голд защитки - это, конечно, круто, но давайте вы сначала исправите неадекватный урон физов, иначе это будет просто руин игры + исчезновение некоторых классов на варе, например, хилов, ибо нахождение их на варе становится бесмысленным, если физ классы практически всегда выдают ваншоты, а с точем +20 на пушках шанса на выживание с таким конским уроном просто не останется. Считаю, что на данный момент голд защитки должны остаться в том количестве и с тем шансом, как они есть сейчас, плюс никто не исключает конкурсы, где можно их выиграть, и бустеры с подарков, которые раздают админы на праздники.
    teern likes this.
  7. PlayerPlayer

    PlayerPlayer Игрок

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    I tried with more than 2000 Special Upgrade Protection not 200, and I cannot get 19+, is this fair ...? And again, my suggestion is not about letting many players get 20+, but just to have some chance
  8. PlayerPlayer

    PlayerPlayer Игрок

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    I agree with the fact that some classes have OP damage like xbow, also, they should reduce the range of its skills. However, this does not mean we should not give a chance to upgrade to 20+. And believe me, this won't let some classes to be disappeared, is it just increasing the chance a little bit
  9. PlayerPlayer

    PlayerPlayer Игрок

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    One point that I forgot to mention, all of us saw that no one put a shop in Alpen ( maybe one or two players each day), why is that? This happened because the number of players keeps decreasing and no one encourages to open gatch and sell items because of the unrealistic chance of golden protection (since most of the good items are in the gatch) :)
  10. teern

    teern Игрок

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  11. Mx

    Mx GM Администратор

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    Good afternoon!
    There are no changes to the drop chance of gold protection scrolls. These changes will make significant changes in the balance of the server.

    Добрый день!
    Изменения в шансе выпадения золотых защитных свитков не предусмотрен. Данные изменения внесут существенные изменения в балансе на сервера.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
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